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  • Kitchen Brigade 3.0 level round robin

Kitchen Brigade 3.0 level round robin

  • December 09, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Lower Courts

Captain: Susan Haberman

Co-Captains: Sue Worrall, Nance Newhart and Barb Brick. 

A round robin is a series of games in which partners are randomly assigned, play one game together, then move on to the next partner. The games are fun, competitive and a great way to meet new people that play at your level.

There will be two round robins offered on Saturdays, one on the upper courts and one on the lower courts, both starting at 12:00 noon.

Active Club members of skill levels 3.0-3.49 are invited to participate in this round robin.  

To add your name to the list, email Kitchenbrigade1@gmail.com with "3.0 ADD ME" in the subject. 

Indicate your name and email address in the body of the email and put KitchenBrigade1@gmail.com in your Contacts List in order to receive Playtime Scheduler invitations for the Kitchen Brigade 3.0 RR playing level.

You need a Skill Level to register, which can be set in PTS and through the club website.  If you want to set a Skill Level for yourself, please refer to this document for guidance on assessing yourself. You can adjust your Skill Level in future as you improve.

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